Rihanna, Drake, Britney Spears And More Join Blackout Tuesday

Today is Blackout Tuesday. The music industry including records labels, have gone dark on social media for the anti-racism protest since the horrific death of George Floyd.  The Black man that was brutally murdered on the street when a white cop kneeled on his neck for more than 8 minutes. Sadly, the other three officers have yet to be charged with anything.

This almost 10 minute video sparked such an outrage that it seems the world felt the pulse of it and rightfully so. (Thank you to the UK for also showing support <3 )

So Rihanna, Drake, Britney Spears and Kylie Jenner are among some of the celebrities who have gone dark on social media today.

Rihanna had one of my face captions about Black Out Tuesday saying:

‘We ain’t buying s**t!!! and we ain’t selling s**t neither!! gang gang! #BLACKOUTTUESDAY AF!!!’ 

Britney Spears did a sweet Britney Spears like post. Hehe

Britney Spears said ‘What the world needs now is love ….. 🌎💔 my heart breaks for my friends in the black community. Right now I think we all should do what we can to listen …. learn … do better …. and use our voices for good. 

Happy to see that Netflix and Nike also showed support. <3 emoji.

photos taken from IG/badgalriri/champagnepapi/britneyspears

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