A green puppy! A dog gave birth to a rare puppy with green fur! The owners thought at first that the dog was stillborn. Thank goodness it wasn't! Bulldog Freya, is the mother that had a litter of eight with one of the newborn pups coming out the unusual color.
The owners, Trevor and Audra Mosher said names being considered for the pup include Fiona after Shrek’s princess, Hulkette and Pistachio. I love the name Fiona for her!
Posting to Facebook Audra wrote: “Our lil green puppy apparently is a rare thing to see.
“I wish the color would stay it would be really cool!”
Fiona had been born with a black sac; her siblings were in translucent ones.
It is thought that the hue is a result of contact with green bile biliverdin in the womb. They googled, ‘my puppy is green, what’s wrong,’ and apparently it is very rare and it has happened a few times all over the world.