Rolling Loud day 1 was crazy! I was running so late that I was almost going to miss Cardi B's performance which was the only one I really cared about that day. I pull up, can it's PACKED! I try to find my best friend at the front of the stage and after about an hour of nicely shoving through people (I hate that btw) and finally found her! We are right up against the closest gate to the stage. Well then people think there is a shooting going on, so they start running and next thing I know I'm being squished! I felt like that little Mexican lady trying to see Selena perform before her stage collapses and people trample her! I started to panic because if these people really freak out, me and my girl don't stand a chance! There was no shooting, just fights and girls passing out. The squishing died down. Cardi KILLED it! Her ass is way bigger in person and it looked AMAZING!!! She does this thing where she pours a bottle of water all over her mid-performance and eventually does a split. I LOVED every second of it.
The hilarious Brittany Gonzalez is like that best friend that will have you in the know about everything pop culture, fashion, music, nightlife,...Full Bio