Brittany Gonzalez

Brittany Gonzalez

The hilarious Brittany Gonzalez is like that best friend that will have you in the know about everything pop culture, fashion, music, nightlife,...Full Bio


This Woman Wants The World's Fattest V....

So this woman has been popping up on my IG timeline about five times with no tag on her and I have been trying to find her and I finally did! Then of course I find out also that her goal is to have the world’s largest vagina. Yes, the fattest cat. LMAO!  

She’s 24 yrs old but started getting plastic surgery at 21 and has spent $100,000 on plastic surgery. 

Mary Magdalene, from Toronto, has 227k followers who love or follow her because they can't are intrigued by her look. She like to describe her look as a ‘blow-up doll’ look. She loves her look and she said she turns herself on. She claims she even has caused accidents and honestly I believe it. Lol. I can't stop looking at her! I'm just confused by it all...I'm glad she loves it for her though.



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