Brittany Gonzalez

Brittany Gonzalez

The hilarious Brittany Gonzalez is like that best friend that will have you in the know about everything pop culture, fashion, music, nightlife,...Full Bio


Last Minute Digital Gifts For Your Dad That He'll Actually Like!

Father’s Day coming up this Sunday and if you're like me and procrastinate, there's still some awesome digital gifts that would be perfect for him!

Here's some ideas:

Disney+/ESPN+/Hulu –Bundled for just $20 a month, dad can have access to hours of great content from three popular streaming services.

MasterClass– If dad is someone who loves to keep learning new skills, how about a MasterClass subscription, where he’ll have options including lectures on filmmaking fromMartin Scoresese,how to think like a scientist withNeil deGrasse Tysonand more. At $15 a month, there are over 80 talks offered in a variety of subjects.

Airbnb Experiences– I know what you're thinking... virtual Airbnb experience? What's the point? Well they range from $1 which I think means you can have fun with getting him multiple experiences. Why not?! Haha. Airbnb is offering up Internet-based experiences he can enjoy from home, including watercolor painting with wine in Spain, learning about beekeeping in Portugal and more. The videos range in price from $1 to $200.


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