WTF (What The Florida?)
Ahh yes, Florida Man and Florida Woman...we follow their exploits every morning at 7:30 and 9:30 and here are today's stories!
Florida Men cut microchips out of puppies in a puppy chop shop!
A French bulldog named Bugsy helped police uncover a puppy chop shop. Bugsy went missing and when his owner refused to give up, a tp to Bugsy's whereabouts came in. Police showed up and found the men were cutting microchips out of stolen dogs and selling the dogs on the black market. Scandalous. More here
Florida Man attacks his own mother
Drew Daniels, a 35-year-old Florida Man was arrested after assaulting his own mother. He asked her for money and when she refused, he pulled her hair. Cops caught up with Drew and he told them he just tapped her on the shoulder, but her disheveled hair told a different story and he was arrested. More here
Florida Man tries to steal 100 lobster tails from Publix
A Florida Man was arrested for strong-arm robbery when attempting to steal 100 lobster tails from a Publix store. He got on one of those electric carts, wheeled over to the seafood section, asked for help putting the 100 tails in the cart and tried to simply take off. When stopped by a manager, the Florida Man shoved the box of lobster tails at him and was picked up for assault too. More here