Toys ‘R’ Us is opening an actual brick and mortar store this weekend
Words that I never thought I'd get to type again, Toys 'R' Us is opening an ACTUAL brick and mortar store this weekend in New Jersey! As you may know, Toys 'R' Us had to close all of their stores amid bankruptcy, then went to some sort of an online store, before TRYING to reopen 2 stores in 2019. Those stores shut down permanently in 2021 due to the COVID pandemic. This new Toys 'R' Us is going to be inside an already existing retail establishment, that is home to a bunch of retail stores, dining, etc. This store will now be the global flagship store according to the company, leading one to believe they may have plans to open more. There is definitely a nostalgia for Toys 'R' Us, but at the end of the day it was we the consumers that let our favorite toy-peddling giraffe down. We decided to forgo brick and mortar stores for increased online buying, causing the stores to not stock as much and when customers did go into the stores, the selection was pretty pathetic, because why stock toys nobody is going to be there to buy? We need to remember that yes, buying online is easy, but we lose something in the process sometimes. If big corporations like Toys 'R' Us can fail, what do you think happens to local businesses? Even worse and impacts even deeper. I'm glad that Toys 'R' Us is back, even if it is only one store (for now). If it makes a widespread return, you better believe I'll take my kids there! I'd love nothing more than for them to feel the same wonder and excitement of gong into an entire store that is totally FULL of toys. It's a great experience for a kid and an adult too! I'm down for this, I'm a Toys 'R' Us kid for life! More here