“Beavis and Butt-Head" are coming back...as middle-aged men
The creator of "Beavis and Butt-Head", Mike Judge took to social media to show us what the duo look like now, ahead of a new move "and more" set for Paramount +. The super slackers were in their teens when they were first introduced to the world in the 90s and after a feature film and a couple of comebacks, Beavis and Butt-Head are coming back as middle-aged men. Now it goes without saying that the pair, who were NOT known for their brains, have made some poor life choices, thus leading to the way they look now. Butt-Head, try a sit up...just one. News that Beavis and Butt-Head coming back is as they say "pretty cool"...dumbass. More here
Source: https://brobible.com/
Photos: https://giphy.com/