The Freakshow with Flyin Brian

The Freakshow with Flyin Brian

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How to fall asleep in 120 seconds

How to fall asleep in 120 seconds

There is NO doubt that getting a good night's sleep is important, but for so many it can be very difficult. Research has shown that adults aged 18-60 need at least 7 hours of sleep per night and the effects of NOT sleeping enough are terrible! Heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, risk of stroke are ALL heightened when you don't get enough sleep. On top of that, not getting enough sleep can wreck your immune system, not to mention problems with weight, memory, sex drive and fertility. Clearly there are a lot of reasons to get some Zs, however, falling asleep is SO elusive for so many people. A lot of people complain about not being able to "shut off" their brain to fall asleep and it wreaks havoc with a lot of people. Well, here comes the military to the rescue! This is a secret given to military personnel to fall asleep within 2 minutes! This is what you do:

  1. Relax the muscles in your face, including the jaw, tongue and around your eyes
  2. Let your shoulders drop, and relax both sides of your upper AND lower arms
  3. Breathe out, keep your chest relaxed
  4. Relax the upper and lower parts of your legs

While doing this, imagine yourself in a peaceful setting and repeat the words "don't think" and just like that, you should be out in no time! Try it and let us know how it works and you can also check out more about our sleep (or lack thereof) here



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