This guy earns $200 a day standing in line for rich people
People do all KINDS of things to make money and people with money do all KINDS of things to spend it! This guy makes $200 a day standing in line for rich people! Freddie Beckitt charges people to stand in line, but it's not all fun and games. First, to stand in line all day takes the patience of a saint, as Freddie says there are times that lines will barely movie and he'll be waiting for 8 hours! His favorite lines to stand in are for those for tickets to performances and he said that he gets the most business during the summer months, when there are a lot more outdoor festival-type events and things like that. Ingenious really, people HATE standing in line, but since Freddie doesn't seem to mind too much, it's a perfect job for him! No need to wait in line, check out more here