How to download everything Amazon knows about you
You didn't think that Amazon WASN'T listening to everything you do and tracking every move you made did you? Well, I'm sorry to tell you that they indeed are, BUT there is a way to download everything Amazon knows about you. The fact is, as much as we THINK we know about how much tech companies keep our personal data, we actually have NO IDEA. Everything you do on, around, or with an Amazon product or service is recorded and collected. All of your purchases? Of COURSE, but WAY more. It also logs your browser history and shopping data. If you shop at Whole Foods, they track you there. If you watch an Amazon Prime video, they record and collect that data too. Speak around an Alexa device? Recorded! If you know how to access this data, you can listen back to everything to your horror I'm sure. The good news is, you can access this and much more data. The bad news is there is very little you can do to DELETE it. Sure, you can tweak some privacy settings, but no matter what, when dealing with ANY online or app-based entity, they will all collect a certain amount of data, it's the way it is. To find out how to access your data collected by Amazon, go here