“Yellow flags” to look for in a new relationship
We all know what red flags are in any relationship, they are the warning signs that tell you to run far and fast, but if you're like me, you see it as a beacon to run straight towards! No, "yellow flags" in a new relationship are behaviors that aren't QUITE deal-breakers, but might make you rethink a little bit and kind of "pause". Yellow flags are telling you to be cautious, tread lightly and give yourself time to assess things. Here are 7 Yellow Flags to Look For in a New Relationship:
1) They haven't had a long-term relationship before- too many long-term relationships could be a bad thing, but so could having NO committed relationship ever
2) They have a relationship with their ex- on the one hand it's good to see that they are capable of breaking up and still remaining friends, on the other hand, one naturally questions why you have a relationship with your ex and what kind of relationship is it exactly? If they don't share kids, business, or property, it's definitely a question many would have.
3) They get upset by criticism- those that get offended or defensive are hard to deal with
4) They tend to make the plans themselves- could be a sign of a selfish person, or one who feels you should be submissive and do whatever THEY want
5) They remind you of your ex- if this is me, then this is a RED flag all day!
6) They make assumptions- they will constantly think they know you better than you know yourself and that is just not possible
7) They have a hard time telling you how they feel- t-t-today junior! Out with it! Tell them how you feel! It is hard for some nd though not a red flag, for sure something to watch for.
For more tips on yellow flags and how to recognize them, check out the story here
Source: https://www.bustle.com/
Photos: https://giphy.com/