Never leave a public restroom without doing this first
There is ONE THING experts say you should always do before leaving a public restroom and no, it is NOT doing a line of coke off the toilet tank, nope, what you should always do is dry your hands with paper towels. I'm already assuming you know to wash your hands, (if not, we're talking to you, here's your sign) but in order to really get them clean, you have to use paper towels as opposed to the air hand dryers. It turns out the air dryers leave some nasty bacteria and residue on our hands. Volunteers did a study at a hospital using paper towels and air dryers after washing their hands. They then touched about a dozen surfaces around the hospital, including stair railings, door handles, elevators, phones ,etc. After taking samples, researchers found that volunteers who used the air dryers left "significantly greater environmental contamination" on 10 out of 11 surfaces, which is ten times the amount to those who had used paper towels. Crazy, because we all know that you need to wash your hands well, but it turns out that how we DRY our hands is just as, if not, more important! More here