The true story of a bear who ate 70 pounds of cocaine
Man, this bear liked to party! It is the story that is so crazy, that is HAS to be true! The tale of a bear who at 70 pounds of cocaine. Now, don't get it twisted, that bear is dead. Very dead indeed. NOTHING on this planet can ingest 70 pounds of Columbian marching powder and NOT die! Here's how it happened: in 1985 a parachuting drug smuggler jumped from a plane with $14 million of cocaine and a bunch of other stuff with him. Well, he didn't make it and the bag with all the coke dropped into the woods somewhere. It was there that the bear discovered the cocaine and started eating it. This bear caught a habit QUICKLY and ended up eating the whole load, some 70 POUNDS of cocaine! The weird thing is, after the bear was found stuffed with cocaine, he was actually stuffed and it went to live in the visitor center at the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. After a fire, the bear was moved, but then stolen and later found in a pawn shop. The coke bear's corpse has been shuffled around since then, but the bear that died of a cocaine overdose is out there somewhere and you can see more here