Woman who wants the world’s biggest butt says she struggles to date
Natasha Crown has spent over $150,000 on her quest to obtain "The World's Biggest Bum". She was only 20 when she had her first butt lift and she has been going non-stop since then! However, she says her mission to have the biggest butt on the planet has drawbacks, she said it has wrecked her dating life. She hasn't had a boyfriend in 7 years, saying “My last relationship was seven years ago. I am pretty extreme so I think people are afraid of me." Afraid of getting crushed by that big butt maybe! Natasha has had 5 Brazilian butt lifts so far, with a 6th on the way! She said she wants to have a 90-inch backside. It's all about having goals! See more and I mean a LOT more here
Source: https://www.ladbible.com/
Photos: https://giphy.com/