I shouldn’t have to say this, but don’t stick a battery in your dong
It's 2022 right? And in this time, I feel like we have gained an INCREDIBLE amount of knowledge. There are certain things that we know to do and certain things we just know to NOT do. So when I see a story like this, it boggles my mind, because i KNOW that this person just HAS to know better, but seemingly, they don't. It's like those people who will still drink, even though it's not recommended due to their medication. This is not a case of "that doctor just doesn't want me to have a good time", you HAVE to know that this would end terribly. ALL of that didn't stop a guy from shoving a AA battery into his manhood. The result, terrible as anyone could imagine. It did all kinds of bad medical things to his wee, including tearing up his urethra and damaging his unit so badly he needed skin grafts. Do not recommend. More here
Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/ushome/index.html
Photos: https://giphy.com/