Woman fights to keep her “FART” license plate
Not all heroes wear capes, some wear plain clothes and fight for the right to have "FART" as their license plate. A woman in Asheville, North Carolina ordered a custom plate with just the word "fart" on it and amazingly, two weeks later, she got it in the mail! The state actually approved it! Now usually the DMV will NOT issue a plate that has profanity, any allusions of sex, or bodily functions, or anything that might even SEEM offensive to anyone, which is why I was so surprised she actually got it. She was pretty surprised too, but not as surprised as she was two weeks later, when a state rep contacted her informing her that several complaints of her "FART" plate were called in and she would have to give it up. They did say she could keep it if she had a good reason to have "FART" as her license plate, but when she and her friend came up with an acronym, the DMV didn't buy it and revoked her plate. I hope it's not over! Check out more here
Source: https://abc30.com/
Photos: https://giphy.com/