The Freakshow with Flyin Brian

The Freakshow with Flyin Brian

The wildest, most controversial show in all of SWFL! Full Bio


Kindergartener brings tequila to school and shares with classmates

Kindergartener brings tequila to school and shares with classmates 

Parents of a bunch of 5-year-olds in Michigan were horrified when a little girl brought in some of those pre-made margaritas in little plastic bottles. Being nice, the girl shared with some of her classmates, who reported feeling "woozy" and "dizzy". The little bartender was even setting them up with shots, by pouring the margaritas into Dixie cups and doling out to her friends. Now you might say to yourself "she's five and must have had NO IDEA what she was serving" and that is where you would be WRONG. She was well aware of what she was pouring for her friends and that is why now the school has to look into "disciplinary actions". More here



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