This is how much we’ll be spending steaming movies and TV this year
There is no doubt that there are MANY different streaming options out there, but how much will we spend on them in a year? It seems that everyone has their own streaming service and in order to get all the content we want, we seem to have to subscribe to all of them! But how much will the average person spend on streaming movies and TV? The average person will stream 290 different movies or TV shows, adding up to 437 hours of content a year, which is equal to 18 full days. Although more than half of us plan to cut some of our streaming services to save some money and WAY more than that plan on cutting cable or satellite, all-in-all, streaming is costing the average person about $400 a year. Now take this into consideration, I remember the days of paying for cable and you would cover tha $400 in less than two MONTHS, so overall streaming does save us a lot of money. When looking for new streaming services, a lot of us are looking for specific movies or shows, prompting us to subscribe to that streaming service. A pretty interesting read on our streaming habits and you can see more here