The Freakshow with Flyin Brian

The Freakshow with Flyin Brian

The wildest, most controversial show in all of SWFL! Full Bio


Florida Woman dumps a bucket of urine on a neighbor over chicken poop

Florida Woman dumps a bucket of urine on a neighbor over chicken poop

A Florida Woman was arrested after dumping a bucket of urine on a neighbor and it was all over chicken poop. You see, 57-year-old trailer park resident Christine Terman confronted her neighbor Lawrence Stenzel, because Lawrence's chicken pooped on her outdoor patio. So of course, Christine did the only sane, logical thing...she went into her trailer, grabbed a bucket of urine that she had in there and tossed it at her neighbor, dumping it all over him. Now the part that I find most surprising is that Christine was SO mad about a chicken pooping OUTSIDE, when she has a bucket of pee INSIDE. I guess storing her urine in a bucket for some reason is ok, but chicken poop is gross! More here



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