20 things you’re saying that you didn’t know were offensive
It's 2022 and we ALL know that if you say certain things, you're going to get dinged by the so-called "cancel culture". It seems that EVERYTHING is offensive. There are certain words that we all know are offensive, so unless we want some Karen in our face, we bite our tongue, but ponder this...perhaps you're saying things that you didn't KNOW were offensive, but they most definitely ARE. Huh? Who's getting cancelled now? Here are some words to avoid to stay woke:
1) Spaz- it's almost as bad as the R-word. It goes back to when word was associated with cerebral palsy, which was once referred to as spastic paralysis
2) Hooligans- offensive because it goes back to an early cartoon of the same name, who were a family of Irish immigrants having a hard time fitting in in London. The cartoons were pretty racist and they depicted a negative stereotype of immigrants
3) Fuzzy Wuzzy- was a bear? I don't think so! In the 1800s, British soldiers referred to the people of an East African tribe as "fuzzy wuzzies" due to their dark skin and curly hair. Oof
4) Basket case- usually used to refer to someone who is having a hard time coping, yet this phrase goes back to World War I to describe a soldier who had lost all four limbs and literally was carried in a basket
5) Moron- it's an insult, but also it's a psychological diagnosis denoting a mild disability
These are just a few, but there is a whole LIST of things that are offensive, that we had no idea were offensive and you can see them here
Source: https://bestlifeonline.com/
Photos: https://giphy.com/