What is the “red nail theory”?
Because there is no shortage of content and theories on TikTok, this is the latest...the "red nail theory". The red nail theory basically is that they will get you more dates. In one video viewed millions of times, one woman details how every time she wears red nail polish she gets more comments and compliments from men. She said "I always thought red nails was like a grandma nail color," she continued. "... And then it hit me. In the '90s, when we where growing up, women had red nails a lot, especially, like, our moms -- and I weirdly think guys are attracted to red nails because it reminds them of their moms when they were growing up, taking care of them." The red nail trend seems to be popping up everywhere, so maybe there's something to it. More here
Source: https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/
Photos: https://giphy.com/