Good question! Why ARE eggs so expensive? I feel like not long ago AT ALL eggs were like a couple dollars a dozen, now it seems like these things are made of gold!
No doubt the cost of eggs has gone up rather noticeably, but WHY? There are a few factors that play into it...first is our egg consumption. We've stepped up how many eggs we're eating and obvious supply and demand issues. Many Americans use eggs as a main form of protein and when you couple that with the recent bird, or "avian" flu epidemic, demand has gone up, but supply has dwindled due to the number of infected birds.
Not only has demand gone up (each of us eats about as much as a hen can possibly lay in a year) and supply has gone down, but this makes even FINDING eggs difficult. Eggs and anything with egg in it has gone up in price significantly, but they are quick to point out that eggs are still a lot cheaper than a lot of other forms of protein. They can go suck an egg. Check out more here